As we approach Easter, our minds turn to the pivotal events of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection over 2,000 years ago. The Passion of the Christ movie vividly depicted the horrific torture and crucifixion that Jesus endured. When the film ended, audiences sat in stunned silence, overwhelmed by what they had just witnessed.

But the story didn’t end with Jesus’ death. Three days later, something miraculous and unparalleled in human history occurred – Jesus rose from the dead! The apostle John, an eyewitness, testifies to seeing the resurrected Jesus with his own eyes in his Gospel account.

Experiencing the Resurrection

John describes Mary Magdalene’s confusion on finding Jesus’ tomb empty that first Easter morning. When John and Peter raced to investigate, they found just the grave clothes remains, inexplicably left behind. Mary then encountered the risen Jesus, initially mistaking Him for the gardener, until He spoke her name.

Later that evening, while the disciples huddled behind locked doors, Jesus suddenly appeared among them, showing His wounds as proof He had risen bodily. Overjoyed, the disciples received Jesus’ peace and the Holy Spirit. However, Thomas wasn’t present and doubted until Jesus returned and invited him to examine His wounds. Only then did Thomas cry out “My Lord and my God!”

In 1 John 1, John stresses his firsthand experience of the resurrected Christ: “What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands…we proclaim to you.” Their testimony wasn’t based on hearsay but physical evidence, transforming their lives forever.

The Resurrection’s Significance

Why is the resurrection so critical? As Paul states in 1 Corinthians 15:17, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” Jesus’ victory over death validates who He claimed to be – the Son of God with authority to forgive sins and grant eternal life.

The resurrection vindicates Jesus’ identity and Scripture’s divine inspiration. It substantiates the Old Testament promises of a Messiah and Savior, as Paul notes Christ’s death and resurrection occurred “according to the Scriptures.” It affirms the Gospels’ accuracy about Jesus’ life, teaching, miracles, and promises about His return.

Had Jesus’ body remained in the tomb, the religious authorities could have crushed Christianity before it spread. Instead, over 500 eyewitnesses across 40 days saw the risen Christ, including Jesus’ formerly skeptical brothers James and Jude. Most remarkably, persecutor Saul (Paul) became a believer after encountering the resurrected Jesus.

What’s more, the disciples and other followers willingly endured torture and death for refusing to recant their testimony about Jesus, something no one would do for a lie. Within a few centuries, this Jewish sect flourished into the world’s largest faith despite incredible opposition. The extraordinary transformation of lives through the gospel message continues as evidence of the resurrection’s truth and power.

A Resurrected Life

Because of the resurrection, our lives take on profound meaning and purpose. First, it validates Jesus’ words, requiring our obedience. He didn’t just offer wise advice but spoke as God’s authoritative voice. We cannot define truth and morality subjectively but must align our lives with His teachings in Scripture.

Secondly, the resurrection shapes our eternal destiny. Jesus promised “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). His resurrection offers hope for our resurrection from spiritual death through repentance and faith in Him. Heeding His call leads to forgiveness and heaven’s promise. Rejecting Him guarantees condemnation, as John 3:18 warns.

Finally, Jesus’ resurrection also means His promised return will happen! In Revelation 22:20, Jesus declares “Surely I am coming soon.” His bodily return will complete God’s redemptive plan, resurrect believers to eternal life, and establish His unending Kingdom. With this world’s unraveling morality and turmoil mirroring biblical end-time signs, Christ’s comeback could be very near.

An Imminent Return

Just as Jesus caught His disciples off-guard after His resurrection, His return will surprise many. They thought their hopes were crushed – but Jesus dramatically reversed their despair into overwhelming joy. Those who place their trust in Him receive lasting peace no matter what upheaval this world brings.

When Jesus appeared to the cowering disciples, His first words were “Peace be with you.” Though they had denied and abandoned Him, He offered supernatural calm, forgiveness, and restoration. His grace empowers us today to experience that same shalom – wholeness and renewed purpose through His indwelling Spirit.

Jesus promises His return to gather all who believe to share in His eternal Kingdom. Are you spiritually ready to meet Him? Don’t let doubts, fears or past failures keep you from embracing the risen Savior by faith. Like those first Easter witnesses, you can personally know the One who conquered sin and death. Then you’ll join that heavenly multitude joyously proclaiming, “He is risen indeed!”